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International travel can pose various risks to health, depending on the characteristics of both the traveler and the travel. Travelers may encounter sudden and significant changes in altitude, humidity, microbes and temperature, which can result in ill-health. In addition, serious health risks may arise in areas where accommodation is of poor quality, hygiene and sanitation are inadequate, medical services are not well developed and clean water is unavailable.

Vietnam Pasteur institution recommends the following vaccinations: Tetanus, Diphtheria, Typhoid, Polio, Hepatitis B, meningitis A, C, Hepatitis A, malaria treatment.

Do not: ice cubes and tap water. Water bottles should be sealed. In case the services not available you need to boil water before drink. Avoid consumption of un cooked fish, meat raw vegetables in restaurants. In general, remember an old aphorism: “The cook, boil it or peel it, otherwise forget it”

Malaria is under control in Vietnam. We believe that malaria treatment is only necessary if your travel plans mountain trekking stages with overnight homestay.
Prevention of disease transmitted by insect bites

Dengue: Endemic presence of dengue: precautions must be taken across the country. This viral disease is transmitted by mosquito bites: it must therefore follow the simple measures of protection (long underwear, mosquito repellents for use on skin and clothing, electric diffusers). Dengue can make a potentially serious form. It is strongly recommended to consult a doctor if fever (aspirin is not recommended). Other viral diseases, also transmitted by mosquitoes, can sometimes occur.

Advice: This disease, which exists only in Asia, is transmitted by mosquitoes in rural areas. Human cases have been identified in the northern provinces of Vietnam. These cases can be fatal or cause severe neurological sequela. There is a vaccine against Japanese encephalitis is recommended in cases of prolonged stay in rural areas.
AIDS: The number of people infected with the virus of AIDS is increasing in Vietnam, especially among prostitutes and drug addicts. Preventive measures must be applied.

Pharmacy pharmacies in Vietnam are ubiquitous. It is advised to bring you: your regular medications, Vitamin C or Vitamin poly, broad-spectrum antibiotic treatment, medication against colds and sore throats (especially in summer), anti-diarrheal (Imodium type), ointment anti-inflammatory drugs against pain: aspirin or equivalent, mosquito repellent.

Here are the website from which you could consult more information:

Information from World Health Organization (WHO)

World Health Organization (WHO)


For more information about travel health, please follow the links below Vietnam links

Adopt Vietnam

Health & Medical Information for Vietnam Travellers.

URL: http://www.adoptvietnam.org/travel/health.htm

Doctor Kot

Health, Pharmacies, Immunizations, Getting Around, Eating & Drinking 

URL: http://www.doctorkot.com/health.html

Travel Tips

Vietnamese Rural Medicine 

URL: http://www.pbs.org/hitchhikingvietnam/travel/med.html

Worldwide links

International SOS

The world’s largest medical assistance organization

URL: http://www.internationalsos.com/

Centers for Disease Control Travel

Extensive resource on worldwide disease outbreaks, advice on prevention and vaccines, and general health travel precautions.

URL: http://www.cdc.gov/travel/

Travel Health Zone

Travel health for travellers, Travel Health Information 

URL: http://www.travelhealthzone.com/

TMVC (The Travel Doctor)

The Travel Doctor (TMVC) is one of the largest individual suppliers of travel medicine services in the world. 

URL: http://www.tmvc.com.au/default.asp?UnqID=0.7410092

Smartravel International Health Services

A traveler medical service. Provides immunizations, counseling, and a variety of travel products that provide health and safety abroad. 

URL: http://www.smartravel.org/

Travellers’ Dirarrhoea

Travellers’ diarrhoea is the most common health condition facing travellers.

URL: http://www.imodium.com.au/traveller/body.html 

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